Parts Implemented by Mehmet Can Gün¶
Create Company¶
Do you wanna create your own restaurant business? Sign up as a boss and Login! First, you need to give us basic information about name, vision, mission, contact details etc. Then, we will create your business in our management system.

Create Company¶

Create contact¶
Update Company¶
Just log in as a boss, you can change your company information like name, vision, mission etc.

Update Company¶

Update contact¶
Delete Company¶
Just log in as a boss, if you will delete your company, all data about your company will deleted. For example, restaurant is connected to company, then restaurant which is related to be candidate company for delete operation will be deleted.

Delete Company¶
Show Company Details¶
You can see details about company information, contact details and founder data.

Company Details¶
Set Founder¶
If company founder is resignation from company and the candidate company founder needs to be own it, then send mail admin to make you founder about company.
Create Card¶
You need enter to the system as a company owner to create card for your customer. Enter customer username and give starting points, status and color etc.

Create Card¶
Update Card¶
You need enter to the system as a company owner, Update the fields related to card such as color, active status and expire date.

Update Page¶
Delete Card¶
You need enter to the system as a company owner, Delete card related to user. This is just remove the card.

Delete Page¶
My Card¶
Login as a customer, if the company owner create card for you, it will be shown in front page. Then, customer will be learn card details about customer info and company info
Enter meal page, then select meal and click the order button to join payment page.

Order Page¶
After getting user meal from meal page, the amount of each food will be selected and order details such as note etc. need to enter, then the order will successfully created.

Payment Page¶
Update Order¶
Between starting time and expected deliver time, you will update your order status like note etc.

Update Order¶
Cancel Order¶
Between starting time and expected deliver time, you will cancel your order.

Cancel Order¶
Show Order Details¶
This page shows order details like what you are ordered, or which person gives that order in which company. Also, this page shows the comments about order.

Order Details¶
Delivered Order¶
After the time end, this button will be active to end your delivered status perfectly. This is accepted to pay the order. Then stock size reduced for related foods.
My orders¶
Enter the system, then click the my orders button in header. This is shows the orders related about you.